Capitol Complex Child Development Center

The University of Texas Capitol Complex Child Development Center is located at 1601 N. Congress Ave. in the Barbara Jordan building.  See below for more information about the facility.


The UT Capitol Complex CDC is open 7:15 a.m. - 5:45 p.m., Monday - Friday, year-round. You can find detailed information about program closures here.


Full-time state employees, including UT faculty and staff, are eligible to use the program. Siblings of currently enrolled families receive priority enrollment.

Part-time state employees are also eligible but will receive second priority for enrollment.

Services Offered

  • Quality care and education for children ages six weeks to six years old is provided.
  • Morning and afternoon snack is served along with milk to accompany parent-provided lunch

How to Apply

State employees can download and mail-in or drop off a waiting list application. There is a $60 non-refundable waiting list application fee.

Space is limited in our program, so there is often a waiting list. Wait times will vary between 1-3 years depending on the age of your child. Younger ages have longer waiting lists.

*NOTE: Families who do not have a UT EID must first create a UT EID to apply online.


Tuition Fees Information

The UT Capitol Complex CDC has established a sliding scale tuition fee structure in order to be affordable while maintaining a budget needed to operate a quality child care program. To receive Level A or B tuition a family’s “need” is considered. Need is defined in two ways. First, a family’s household income is considered. Household income ranges and corresponding tuition levels are below. In addition to income, to receive the Level A tuition rate, a family must have no one else available in the home to care for the child.

Sliding Scale Tuition Fee Structure

Tuition rates are set yearly to accommodate varying levels of household income, and are reflected in the following charts.

Monthly Tuition Rates School Year 2024-2025. Level A spaces are limited
Infants $860* $1,225 $1,515
Toddlers $835* $1,080 $1,415
Twos $805* $1,015 $1,310
Pre-K $775* $985 $1,155
Income Categories
$0 - $64,999 $65,000 - $124,999 $125,000+

*To qualify for Level A or Level B tuition you must:

  • Have an annual household income as listed above
  • All adults in the household are working or attending school fulltime

If you have a parent staying at home you would only be eligible for Level C tuition regardless of income.

We have limited availability of Level A spaces. Please check with the director for availability.

If your child is currently enrolled in our program and you are interested in applying for one of these spaces, please complete the reduced fee application in your enrollment packet. Extra copies are available at the front desk of each center.



A $60 application fee per family due at time of application


A $150 deposit is due upon accepting an opening. $100 will be applied towards September tuition and $50 will remain with the school as a materials/supply fee. Each spring a $150 deposit will be required to re-enroll for the following year.  This deposit is not refundable.

Late Payment Fee

Tuition is due in advance of services on the first day of the month. A $3/day late fee is charged after the fifth day of the month. A fee is charged for returned checks, in addition to appropriate late fees.

Late Pick-Up Fee

$10 for each 10-minute interval after 5:45 p.m. per family. (For instance, a parent arriving at 5:46 will pay $10; a parent arriving at 5:56 will pay $20). This fee doubles after the third late pickup.

Notice of Withdrawal

We require advanced notice of 60 days when someone plans to withdraw from the center. Families are responsible for tuition during these 60 days. When this 60-day notice is given, pro-rated tuition is calculated in the following way: tuition ÷ days center is open during given month = daily tuition rate.


  • UTCDC does not offer a tuition discount for siblings enrolled at the UT Child Development Center.
  • The Child Development Center maintains a limited number of 10 Level A spaces. If more families qualify, a waiting list will be established, and these families will pay Level B tuition rates until one of the lower tuition spaces becomes available to them.
  • The director and assistant director will review income documentation upon enrollment, and once every following year.
  • Appeals for reduced tuition due to special circumstances go through the office of the CFO and Senior Vice President for Financial and Administrative Services.
  • Families may have their tuition category reviewed during the year upon request.
  • Tuition levels are established at time of enrollment and do not affect waiting list placement.

Contact Information

For additional questions please contact the program director.

Our Philosophy

The University of Texas at Austin Child Development Centers are a developmental early childhood program. The program’s philosophy is to nurture each child’s growth and education in a stimulating and caring learning environment. This environment gives children the opportunity to develop linguistic, social, physical, and cognitive skills. The center helps children feel good about themselves and their abilities, which fosters the development of creativity and a strong sense of identity and competence. The program also values close working relationships with parents as a necessity in attaining program goals.

The University of Texas at Austin Child Development Centers provide an educational program designed to meet the needs of the whole child. This program is based on the knowledge that young children are active learners, involved in a process that uses all their senses as they talk, work, and play with people and materials. Professionally trained teachers and caregivers plan activities and arrange stimulating learning environments appropriate for the different developmental stages of a child’s life.

The infant and toddler programs provide a warm, nurturing atmosphere in which caregivers play and talk with children as they care for their needs. These teachers care for children in a manner that assists them in developing trust in their surroundings and in their caregivers. Lesson plans for these age groups include many sensory activities and outdoor play. Infants have stable, consistent routines based on their own schedules for eating, resting, and playing. Through encouragement and activities centered on weekly themes, toddlers develop independence while maintaining a sense of security.

Preschool children’s daily activities center on units of study that are interesting and meaningful to young children, and their balanced schedules provide experiences in both group and individual settings. Stories, music, language experiences, projects, and discussion of unit studies take place in groups. Individually, children choose learning center activities in which they work and play in pairs, in small groups, or alone.