You can give to the Child Development Center several ways — through online credit-card gifts, payroll deductions, or by donating a gift from a classroom’s giving tree. Use the following information to help you decide which giving options are best for you.
Online Credit Card Gifts
You can donate to the CDC online any time using your American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa credit card. This option is easy, convenient, and is a great way to give a one-time donation to the center. When you complete and submit the online credit card donation form, you’ll have the option to specify whether you want your gift to go toward classroom or playground items. You can also indicate whether you’re giving the gift in someone’s honor or memory.
Payroll Deduction
If you’re a university employee, you can give to the CDC through payroll deduction. This is a great option if you want to spread your donations out over time, because you can set up a payroll deduction that automatically donates a set amount to the Child Development Center each month. Use your EID to log in to the online payroll deduction form, and decide how much you want to donate for how long. Important: when it asks you to select your gift designation at the top of the form, use the dropdown menu to select “UT Child Development Center.”
Classroom Giving Trees
In the fall or in the spring, check out the giving trees outside your child’s classroom. Giving trees contain apples that list specific items requested by your child’s teacher — these items could be as simple as paper towels, egg cartons or old socks. If you see an item that you’re able to give, pick that apple from the tree and bring in the specified item to your child’s class. This is a great way to give to the Child Development Center by donating items that you probably already have around your home.