As a parent of two, I am constantly amazed at how quickly time passes — from morning to night, week to week, and year to year. I used to think I was busy, until the power of unconditional love took over my schedule. So, when it comes to giving more, in any way, it is a tough thing to do.
But… every day that I drop my children off, with smiles and hugs for their teachers, or pick them up, safe and full of new conversation, I appreciate the gift of the UT Child Development Center. And when I think about what they give to my children each day, it makes it easier to find the extra time, groceries, dollars, and energy to give back to them.
Some of you may never have experienced child care elsewhere; consider yourself fortunate. I have worked in child care, and have interviewed many centers around town. The UT Child Development Centers provide so much more curriculum and opportunity for growth than most public daycare centers. Our teachers are committed to their professions and our student teachers are bright and cheerful pals to our children. We even have healthy food provided daily – which is one less thing for us to worry about as working parents!

Yet, our reasonable and competitive tuition still doesn’t provide enough funds for all of the things that our teachers and administrators want and need to improve. Each year they target classroom materials and capital improvement projects that will enhance the learning environment, but some of these things simply cannot be achieved without our help.
The One to Grow On Campaign is modest. Last year, the centers combined set a goal to raise $15,000. We achieved it. With those funds, the centers were able to supply classrooms with dramatic play toys, art supplies, science materials, and bilingual music sets. They also purchased playground toys and equipment, including shade covers, trees, and water misters, all to help protect our children from the hot Texas weather! Best of all, they were able to contribute to staff appreciation and development, both to support teacher well-being as well as continued education.
To those of you that can’t contribute financially please don’t forget that our children value your time, too – reach out during our cultural events, holiday celebrations, or just volunteer to read to the children. Your time is just as valuable as any dollar spent.
So why do I give? I give because I know that the UTCDC offers my children more than I ever could on my own, and I want to be a part of each little life that is touched here now and in the years to come. It is the least I can do in exchange for the peace of mind I have knowing that my children are loved and cared for by the people I support with my time and my donations.
— Marjorie Wilcox, Maeson and Kipp’s mom