Waitlist Frequently Asked Questions

What is the current wait time for each age group?

These wait times are approximate and depend on several factors, including but not limited to your application date, your waitlist priority, your child's birthdate, and the time of year. For the most up-to-date estimates, please reach out to rebecca.ryan@austin.utexas.edu.

  • Infants 
    • Most of our infants spaces are taken by currently enrolled families with a sibling priority. Non-sibling infants on the Tier One waitlist typically gain entry around 18 months of age. It is extremely rare for children under 18 months with Tier Two priority to receive a spot in the program.
  • Toddlers
    • Children with Tier One priority who turn 18 months old between June and December 2025 have a strong chance of securing a spot in the program for summer or fall enrollment. There is a small possiblity that families with Tier Two priority will be offered a space for the 2025-2026 school year, but we will have a better prediction in late spring.
  • Two Year Olds
    • Children with Tier One priority who turn 24 months old by September 1, 2025, have a strong chance of securing a spot in the program for summer or fall enrollment. There is a possibility that families with Tier Two priority will be offered a space for the 2025-2026 school year, but we will have a better prediction in late spring.
  • Three and Four Year Olds
    • Children with Tier One priority who turn 36 months old by September 1, 2025, will almost certainly secure a spot in the program for summer or fall enrollment. There is a strong likelihood that families with a Tier Two priority will be offered a space for the 2025-2026 school year, but we will have a better prediction in late spring.
I got on the waiting list when I was pregnant. Why don’t I have a space?

Most, if not all, of our infant spaces are filled with siblings of enrolled children. Currently enrolled families receive a sibling priority on our waiting list.

My partner/spouse/co-parent and I are both employed with UT. Is there a priority when both parents are affiliated with the university?

No, we do not offer priority enrollment if both parents are affiliated with the university.

I am having a family emergency and need child care services immediately. Is there an appeal process that would move me to the top of the waiting list?

There is no appeal process that would allow a family to get ahead of other families who applied before them. However, our program director would be happy to assist you in locating child care in other area programs. The program director’s contact can be found on the Contact Us page.

I have been on the child care waiting list for two years and no longer need the space. Can I give my place on the waiting list to a co-worker?

Families on the waiting list may not give their space on the list to another family.

How can I check my status on the waiting list?

To check the status of your application please email the program director. Their email can be found on the Contact Us page.

I am planning to get pregnant next year. Can I get on the waiting list now?

You must have a due date to get on the waiting list. With the exception of children being adopted, the due date or date of birth may not be more than 9 months from your application date.

I have a child on the waiting list and need to add another child. Do I need to pay an additional fee?

There is no additional fee. The $30 application fee to get on the waiting list covers all of your children.

Why is there no child care center at the Pickle Research Campus (PRC)?

At this time, there are not enough families who need child care at PRC to financially support opening an additional location.

I was offered a spot in one of the child care centers, but I would like to defer until next year. Can I do that?

Families are welcome to decline a child care space with no penalty on the waiting list. We will simply offer the opening to the next family and you will maintain your waiting list status.

I am an employee of the university. Is my grandchild eligible to use the child care program?

Beginning in February, 2025, grandparents working or studying full-time at the university are elible to place their grandchildren on the waitlist with a Tier Two priority by selecting "UT Grandparent" on the affiliation drop-down menu when filling out their application. 

Grandparents who have full legal custody of their grandchildren continue to be eligible for the Tier One waitlist and should select "UT Student", "UT Faculty", "UT Staff", or "State Employee" when choosing their affiliation.

I am an alumni of the university. Am I eligible to use the child care center?

Only current students, staff and faculty are eligible to use the campus child care programs.

My income falls into Level A tuition. Is there any priority enrollment for lower income families?

The only priority given on the waiting list is to siblings of enrolled children.